The Watercolor Curious Kit –

The Watercolor Curious Kit

$ 30.00

The Watercolor Curious Kit

$ 30.00

Sold out
Y O U R   S T O R Y
  • Have you always chased the idea of happy but are left feeling empty?
  • Do you crave a more dependably joy-filled, creatively driven life but have no idea where to start?
  • In 2013 my chase of money and more left me feeling utterly empty. Watercolor filled me back up.
My name is Kristy Rice, I’m a 10 time creative empowerment author, I’ve taught over 500,000 souls worldwide how to make #artforjoysake!

Doctors, lawyers, marketers, realtors, matter the profession... CREATIVITY ON FIRE fuels higher emotional and financial profits.


I believe in keeping things simple as you progress on your watercolor journey but I also believe in setting yourself up for success. Quality materials make your leap a bit less scary. Can you use Crayolas and create something lovely - you bet. Will you get more excited about life while using materials designed for impressive successes in painting? Absolutely.

And so I've created The #watercolorcurious Kit for you. Everything you need to begin a powerful, joy-filled watercolor journey is included.


P A I N T  W I T H  M E:
Your kit gives you exclusive access to a video tutorial where I show you exactly how to get your watercolor on. This tutorial is NOT available publicly.

E V E R Y T H I N G   Y O U   N E E D :

  • 1 Art for Joy's Sake Spirited Watercolor palette dot card with 12 colors

  • 1 #artforjoysake watercolor brush 

  • 2 8x10 sheets of Academy Cold Press 140lb watercolor paper

  • 2 8x10 sheets of Legion Stonehenge Cold Press 140lb watercolor paper
  • 2 practice sheets

  • 1 double sided watercolor lesson card

  • 1 felt envelope (*Colors of envelope will vary.)


*Please note: Due to seasonal pigment availability, reasonable palette color substitutions may be made without notice.